The Illuminati are fighting against moderate muslims and help the integralists.

The Illuminati are fighting against moderate muslims and help the integralists.
People who tried to save the situation in the middle east were fought off in the name of the human rights, by the ones who really break them...

If there is something the "Illuminati" are not, they're not technically stupid. What's happening in Libya was predictable, some rich people were friends with  Gaddafi's enclave  and thought that for Libya it could have been OK, since Libya is not Sweden, you cannot have a majority of lutheran protestants and aggressive   feminists, but look, I had two libyan muslim friends once, one was a muslim boy engaged to be married with a christian libyan girl, another was a well off modern muslim girl, we sat at the same table and we could chat in a totally relaxed way. Ethnical and religious minorities were protected, women could have a career in the army, Gaddafi's bodyguards were girls, his daughter was a free woman, now was it really scandalous that Nathaniel Rothschild was friend with Saif  Gaddafi? Muhammar's son was known in Italy for loving Lamborghini ans soccer we didn't have any problem and muslims in Libya tended to be quite modern. People who pointed at Nathaniel's friendship with Saif were friends with the Saudi Arabian Princes who

1) Lock in a golden jail their own daughters.
2) Treat like terrorists women who want to drive.
3) Flog bloggers.
4) Prohibit Christianity.

Silvio Berlusconi tried to keep good relationship with Gaddafi and was always criticised by the people who get scandalized for the little things and then swallow the stone of real integralism and lack of respect for the human rights.
What's wrong with these people? I was told that they want the Chaos on purpose. In England some moderate muslims complain that:

1) They are not protected from the integralists who attack them.
2) Women have to wear the scarf even if they don't want to, even in state-funded religious schools.
3) Hate preachers are given a lot of air on the BBC and coverage on the press.

Now they 've got it against Assad, they want more ISIS.
